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This Blog has been put together as a one stop resource center for my KB Gold Team. There are no personal links to any KB Gold related sites. So, feel free to send your own teams to this site to use as a resource for building their businesses.


Sunday, September 26, 2010

Regarding KB Gold Mines

There have been some questions about whether KB Gold really owns the rights to mine gold in Turkey due to a TV blip two years ago that claimed they did not. Apparently, this media company is owned by a bank that was not too happy about their deposits being converted to gold with KBG.

Some, not all, banks will be unhappy if there is a competing gold backed commodity that competes as currency for exchange.

I understand that all doubts will go away regarding KBG's ownership of mining rights or mines once the new site is up. That issue will be resolved definitely I am told.

It makes no sense for the company to make this claim and also provide proof of it and have it all proven to be fraudulent. That would be a stupid action for an 18 year old company and very unlikely in my view.

We need to be diligent regarding sources of information that may have conflicts of interest as this rolls out.

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